Sunday, January 2, 2011

Initial discussion questions:

Initial discussion questions:
1 - world events to what can be justified?

 2 - Why today's Al-Aqsa mosque is the focus of divine religions? 
3 - Recent efforts to destroy Al-Aqsa mosque has been: why? 
4 - Despite the advanced countries of the world economy (like China and Russia), as the main enemy of Iran because the West is being asked? 
5 - why countries like Israel and America are religious claims, most crimes are committed in human rights, but the communist country like China, less than the aforementioned countries to suppress the knocks? 
6 - why the West today, Muslims are the biggest threat counts? 
7 - target the West and especially America, the Middle East to attend what
 8 - Why rise despite oil countries such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia, Israel has occupied Palestine nest selection? 
9 - Why is the occupation of Iraq? 
10 - Why the Tomb of Bahá'u'lláh Baha'is in Israel's most sacred places they know?
 11 - Why Israel's duty to fight all the Muslim world? 
12 - Armageddon What and why is today considered? 
13 - George Bush because its mission in the war against terrorism? God knows the mission?
 14 - Why America's full support to Israel?
 15 - Do you play America or Israel, the Israel of America play?
 16 - because of hostility with the West and Israel, Iran and Hezbollah What 
17 - Apocalypse now because recently pulled ahead two minutes and only five minutes remained to the end?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

End of the world in 2012? Apparently, born December 21, 2012 ends! Yes, just noticed! Or at least a large part of human kind will be destroyed! Other jobs Do not plan your future! Do not buy a house search, and instead, the last few years of your life that you want to spend Hrantvr. Now you have four years of opportunity to enjoy life ... Before the end of the world!

So what is this strange speech? Until now these predictions we've heard a lot, but still our planet are here and still places, Ast. Why is 2012 so important? The news in the world is getting playing.End of the world in 2012?
The fact is that the Maya calendar ends in 2012, so for any reason Mayan religious, scientific, and historical Akhtrgvyanh are to find why my calendar says that the world is this the end. Mayayy mission that could power the people in all societies is concerned.
Unfortunately my calendar for all believers to have bad news! No great resurrection in the 2012 will not, but why?

Calendar Mayayy
What is the Maya calendar? This calendar by the name of Mayan civilization developed about 250 to 900 deaths has occurred. Evidence for the Maya empire southern parts of Mexico to Guatemala and El Salvador looks.Central AmericaMayan region presence
People who were living in the community Mayayy, advanced skills in writing and were able to build cities and civilizations had found strange. Mayayy probably because of the great pyramids and other buildings that have been made known.PyramidsPyramids of Maya Civilization
Maya people in Central American cultures have had great impact, not only through their civilization, but also with indigenous communities that have formed in this region. Not already a large number of Mayan traditions are still alive their ancient continue.Mayan
Mayayy variety of calendars used and time are considered as spiritual that were circulating. Azanjayy calendars that had many practical uses, such as: applications, social, agricultural, economic, and ... , A strong religious element had become. This is quite contradictory with the new Calendar is only a social and economic meanings.Maya calendar
More Mayayy calendars were short. Calendar Tzvlkyyn (Tzolk "in) at 250 days and calendar were all Haab (Ha" ab) a year is considered 365 days. Mayayy, these two were combined calendar to calendar called Calendar Round »(Calandar Round) were prepared: that is equivalent to a cycle of 52 Haab (almost 52 years, the approximate length of a generation.) Within a round Calendar cycles 13 and 20 days there. It is clear that the system is used only when the unit 52 years 18 980 days to consider. In addition, these systems had a cycle Mayayy called "cycle of Venus." He formed with great precision calendar based on the position of Venus in the night sky. They might as well similar calendars for other planets have.Maya calendarCalendar Mayayy
Using round calendar year can never older than 52 years identified! So how long on using the calendar Mayayy be determined?

Long count = end of world end?
Mayan innovative way to solve this problem were used. Finally calendar they use the long period that is 5126 years. The course based on religious considerations, menstruation, mathematical calculations on numbers 13 and 20 and also Akhtrgvyanh mythology has been created.CalendarCalendar Mayayy
But this calendar How does it work?
Source counts in the long Mayayy in "" begins. 0-19 changed every zero indicates that each of the days Mayayy Ast. For example, the first day of the long count is written as This number is added to 19 days. Adding one other day that 20 days is written as follows: The count continues until (about one year) and also to (about 20 years) and (about 400 years). Now, for example on the calendar Mayayy indicates the approximate date 1012 years and 7 months and 1 day.StonemasonThree columns written by Mayayy: The left column shows the date, or 156 deaths Ast.
Calendar really interesting. But what this calendar is associated with the end of the world? Mayayy mission is entirely based on when the long-counted Mayayy all be a bad event will join occurred. Maya experts from both numbers 13 and 20 use. According to him the end of this period can occur in And this equals 5126 years history. The long counting period in accordance with that started 11 August 3114 BC is. Now notice the problem? Mayan long-count period in 5126 years after the date on 21 December 2012 ends.

Judgement Day
When something ends (even something like a safety, an ancient calendar), people think that the latest odds on civilization will end. On the other hand, archaeologists and geologists believe that the myth Mayayy an enlightenment for years have predicted But the fact is sufficient evidence for such a huge Doom do not have that day!
Threats against the earth and humankind have been raised so far: asteroid, black holes, gamma ray explosions in galaxies near and transport Qtbyn glacial period. But no evidence for one of these events happen in 2012 does not exist. These events can be on any time and they have nothing to do with a certain date. Each of these threats requires an independent article that explained that the reason why they are giving there.Asteroid collision
Interesting point is that the ancient astronomers Mayayy still disagree on whether the end of the calendar or (around the year 8000 AD).PyramidConsequently, these forecasts is not only scientific basis but superstition and mythical beliefs of ancient peoples is the root. The world according to such superstition indicate the depth of superstitions and ignorance of scientific findings and accurate than the scientific world today. In fact, the progress of science and technology, great impact in science and common sense has not played segments of human society!

How strange the results of a lost ancient calendar and the name of such trust can be substantial, non-scientific spirit and loose the educated people of today show.